and this is what happened…

If you take the time to click through the archives of my very first blog post, you will find the backbone, foundation and walls of the creation of this blog. If you’re too lazy like most people that have asked my why my blog exists, well, here’s the rundown: My grandmother + my colorful journey of relationships + me being too “verbose” , analytically cursed and energy filled to keep things to myself. I write for the sole purpose of making myself better and in hopes inspiring all of you to delve within yourself and do the same as well.

I’m a Paralegal by day, writer and positivity beacon every other moment. I tell my stories, the stories of others and believe in truly being present and living in each moment we’re given. I hate doing laundry, love baths and am 100% indifferent about celebrity gossip.

2 Comment(s)

  1. writingbolt

    August 13, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    I like doing laundry, I miss PRIVATE hot baths (I refuse to use a shared tub anymore) and probably agree with you about celebrity gossip:P I am surprised you don’t care. I’d just as well turn off all media sources if there wasn’t anything important to hear about changes to the government/rules.

    I am glad if you can…tame the flames of chattiness…with this blog:P I think my mother would benefit from something like this if she ever could slap herself and get with the computer program. I am not much of a techie myself, but I have dipped my toes. I still can’t get into smart phones (which are not all that smart) or e-books. Where would all the nicely crafted bookmarks go?:P

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